Haagen-Dazs - Helado Fresa

4.8 5 0 484 484
Haagen-Dazs - Helado Fresa


Nothing better than Haagen dazs
In my opinion this is the best ice cream on the market. I have tried so many different ones and nothing can beat Haagen Dazs. The taste the texture is just perfect. The strawberry flavor is amazing. Nothing tastes or smells artificial. You can see the pieces of strawberries. I’ve had all the flavor this brand offers and all of them are absolutely delicious without an exception.
So yummy!
Indulging in Häagen-Dazs Strawberry Ice Cream is like taking a blissful stroll through a sun-kissed strawberry field.
Good Stuff
Haagen-Dazs has a lot of good flavors and makes quality ice cream. The strawberry ice cream is really enjoyable and is an ice cream I will get again. My only grumble is that I think they charge just a little too much for it.
Yummy! How can you go wrong with strawberry ice cream. Yummy yummy in my tummy
Yummy strawberry
I absolutely love this brand of ice cream. The strawberry is so tasty. It’s not overwhelming and it doesn’t have that fake taste. It taste so natural and creamy. It’s has to be one of the top choices.
Strawberry Ice Cream
Strawberry ice cream is my favorite especially this flavor from Haagen-Dazs. It tastes sweet, creamy, and just like fresh strawberries. I just wish that it was sold in a larger container!
Love it.
I love this ice cream, that’s my favorite brand , I tried all the flavors so delicious. I highly recommend it.
Rich flavor
This is the one ice cream that I always treat myself with. The strawberry flavor is rich but not overly sweet and it's so creamy! It can definitely turn my day around!
One of few that hasn't changed (love)
I only buy ice cream as a treat for myself maybe twice a year. But this is one of my go to's. The strawberry tastes like a fresh berry, and its thick and creamy. They don't add air like so many other brands, now.
Strawberry goodness
My favorite kinda ice cream since forever. I'll venture around and try new flavors but this flavor is my comfort icecream
Love the strong smooth flavor of strawberry and the creaminess of this ice cream
Fruit flavored ice cream can be hit or miss, but this is amazing. The strawberry flavor isn’t overwhelming and the strawberry pieces are delicious. I also love how creamy it is!
Strawberry Ice Cream is a huge favorite in my house and this one is just right. A real strawberry taste!
Simply love it.
When craving ice cream his is my 1st choice. Creamy, silky, full of flavor…absolutely delicious! Strawberry is amazing. My problem…i don’t get one flavor but another 3. Yummy. Love it!
Excellent taste
This ice cream is amazing - I would say it is too good! So tasty and smooth and rich in flavor. There is really nothing bad that I can say, except this ice cream seems to disappear in our house - poof, it is gone!

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