Barras de proteína ONE® con sabor a mantequilla de maní Reese’s®

4.5 5 0 4 4 ¡Llamando a todos los amantes de la mantequilla de maní! ¡Es hora de volverse locos! Potencia tu entrenamiento o tu día laboral con el poder de las barras de proteína ONE® inspiradas en el sabor de Reese’s® Peanut Butter Lovers. Cada barra, libre de gluten, está repleta del delicioso sabor a mantequilla de maní, con 18 gramos de proteína y 3 gramos de azúcar. Ya sea que necesites una opción rápida para el desayuno o el almuerzo, o un dulce capricho después de la cena o un entrenamiento intenso, estas barras de proteína están listas para el desafío. ¡Nunca te quedes sin energía después de entrenar! Abastece tu despensa, mochila y cajón del escritorio con un buen suministro de barras de proteína ONE® llenas del irresistible sabor dulce y salado de la mantequilla de maní Reese’s®.
Barras de proteína ONE® con sabor a mantequilla de maní Reese’s®


Yummy !
As a reeses lover who has made lifestyle changes I was excited to see these and were a must try, I really enjoyed the flavor of these and they're packed with protein, will be buying more.
Reese ONE Peanut Butter Protein Bars
Thought they were very tasty, Like the fact of all the protein in one bar. Just the right size and easy to take on the go Wish there was a more stronger taste of Peanut Butter
Love Reece's products!
I love anything made by Reece's and I love these! Can't add a photo, they're all gone! Will get another bag this week!
Protein power!
After having a long day ate work I need a fast energy boost! So when I saw the new ONE Reese’s Peanut Butter Flavored Protein Bars at my grocery I was so excited! I bought them and I was super fond of them! They taste delicious and keep my strong!

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