Colgate Natural Extracts Hemp Seed Oil Toothpaste

4.4 5 0 154 154 Take care of your brilliant smile with Colgate Natural Extracts Hemp Seed Oil Toothpaste. This toothpaste has been formulated with carefully selected natural ingredients, including hemp seed oil, and has a lovely herbal anise flavour that will leave your mouth feeling fresh. The fluoride toothpaste contains fluoride levels which are clinically proven to provide cavity protection so you can be sure you’re doing the best for your smile. Try Colgate Natural Extracts Hemp Seed Oil toothpaste with its new herbal anise flavour for a fresh, soothing sensation and dazzling smile.
Colgate Natural Extracts Hemp Seed Oil Toothpaste


Colgate Hemp Seed Oil Toothpaste
I have to say I’m not a big fan of this toothpaste. It’s a very strange sludge green colour when you squeeze it out. It has the most interesting aroma. Sort of TeaTree/some sort of herbs that don’t quite go together very well and then you get to the taste. Oh my it’s strong!! Anyone with slightly sensitive teeth will hate this. It made my teeth ache for hours after using it. I thought maybe it would be just the first time so I persevered. Blimey two days later I wanted to cry!! It’s such a strong aniseed/herbal taste which I normally love aniseed but here I’m sorry it’s a big NO WAY from me
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Clean and fresh
Nice, fresh tasting. Mouth felt clean and refreshed. Natural products a plus
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Amazing toothpaste
Amazing toothpaste, my mouth and teeth feel so clean and healthier.
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Colgate Hemp Toothpaste
This new and different toothpaste, I was originally put off when I saw the colour of the toothpaste, but its nice flavour, it makes a change from the usual mint. It works like any other toothpaste and I am used to the colour now. I like the fresh feeling after brushing my teeth. Definitely unusual, but well worth trying toothpaste, nice alternative to usual toothpaste.
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100% would recommend
I loved this Colgate Hemp Seed toothpaste. It has a subtle minty taste and foamed up brilliantly. It left my teeth feeling clean and my breath fresh. I will 100% be buying this toothpaste again.
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Hemp seed oil colgate
The toothpaste itself is a green colour and very mild smell and taste. Did leave my mouth feeling clean and fresh but not sure of how much of a difference the hemp seed oil made to the toothpaste.
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Great toothpaste
This toothpaste was amazing! Smells so fresh after dental wash. Packing are recycled, which I liked so far. Love the toothpaste cap that easy to open and close. Lovely when washing, do not have it any bad effects. Love it!
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Unique flavour.
This toothpaste was quite different to my usual one as it had a very unique and distinctive flavour. I liked it. It did the job well of cleaning my teeth a d refreshing my mouth. I would recommend this toothpaste.
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Colgate Hemp Seed Oil Toothpaste
On trying this I thought it was like any other toothpaste. How wrong I was. It makes your mouth & teeth feel really fresh. Its soothing on the gums too. I'll definitely buy this in the future.
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Colgate hemp seed toothpaste
After brushing my teeth with colgate hemp oil toothpaste my teeth felt clean and a refreshing after taste lasting for hours. Personal preference i prefer a paste rather an a gel.
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Wont buy it again
This is another product from Hemp group which is becoming more and more popular. I have to say it wont be my first choice in toothpaste - mainly because is not refreshing at all. Taste is just dull and I didnt really feel like my teeth are refreshed and clean as much as when using ordinary toothpaste.
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Great Clean
I was about dubious about the flavour of this toothpaste in fact it’s actually rather nice. Great flavour and foams up wonderfully in the mouth. Overall gives a great clean. Even my oldest daughter was up for trying it out
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Natural and effective
I am sold to the new natural ingredient Hemp seed oil extract. The flavour was not overpowering and quite neutral to the contents which I liked. Gums feel stronger and teeth clean. I will definitely switch to this toothpaste from my usual Colgate product.
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Colgate Hemp Seed Oil
Have just tried this toothpaste and it’s early days yet. It leaves a refreshed minty smell in the mouth and lasts quite a while (unless I am having a strong coffee). Not quite sure if there is a soothing sensation as mint normally has that effect anyway but my gums do feel a little less sore than usual but let’s see by the time I finish the whole tube. Wasn’t too keen on the colour as I tend to go for white toothpaste.
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Lovely Taste!
I was a bit dubious when I first opened this tooth paste to use as the colour of it was green and I was worried that the Hemp seed oil was going to make it taste horrible, how wrong was I! The tooth paste is nice and minty and leaves you with long lasting fresh breath thought the day. I found that I only needed a small amount as it lathered up well with water, my teeth also felt really clean and my mouth felt soothed. I will defiantly continue to use this tooth paste.
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