Hurix’s My-Kids Appetizer

4.5 5 0 224 224 Hurix’s My-Kids Appetizer is specially formulated for children who are picky eaters or dislikes eating. It is made from natural herbs which include Hawthorns, Medicated Leaven (Shen Qu), Chinese Yam etc. These are main ingredients that helps to increase appetite. Improve your child’s appetite problem for your child’s healthier well-being. <br> <br> *This is a traditional product advertisement. KKLIU 1194/2022 Ads expiration date: 12/2024<br> *NPRA Registration Number MAL180660025TC
Hurix’s My-Kids Appetizer


Taste good.
Taste good,kids willing to drink it. . It's good to Improve appetite.
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Anak saya sgt menyukai appetizer hurix's
Anak saya amat menyukainya selepas minum hurix ni selera pun bertambah
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Produk memang terbaik
Produk ni tlh mengembalikan selera mkn ank2 saya.saya akn rekemankan kpd kwn2 saya.
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not really have changed after 10 days
But will continue trying even though no changes after 10 days
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Bungkusan Menarik, Anak Suka, Rasa Sedap
Alhamduillah dapat tengok perubahan selera kakak yang dulunya cerewet, suku-suku pun tak tentu habis makan. Sekarang, tudiaaa.. makan tu makin selera la tengok. Tak yah risau sukatan, sebab disediakan sekali bekas dengan sukatan sehingga 20ml untuk anda. Bagus? Saya syorkan korang yang ada anak cerewet sikit bab makan ni.
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Reliable, easy, safe
Even though it's a bit slower to kick start the effect (almost a week), but once it does, it works wonders.
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taste good and effective
kids love the taste and have it daily , it also help to improve both of their appetite!
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Taste Good
My kid loves the taste of Hurix's My-Kids Appetizer and will remind me to feed her every night.
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Very good to increase appetite
I can see my kid increase appetite after got HURIX. Now i’m not worry anymore. :)
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Fruity apple smell
It was extremely difficult to force my picky child to try HURIX'S My-Kids Appetizer, so it took us a long while to get her to finally try the product for 10 days. However, thankfully, although we were unable to force her to take it twice times daily for 10 days consecutively, I was amazed to see an improvement in her appetite, and her constipation issue has also improved tremendously. From totally refusing green vegetables, she can now accept blended vegetables soup, and she is pooping everyday finally. Thank you so much!
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Hurix amat membantu saya
Hurix kids appetizer banyak membantu dalam masalah selera makan anak saya..cubalah lah sndiri
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Berkesan, membantu dan memudahkan
HURIX'S My Kids Appetizer membantu meningkatkan selera makan anak saya yang sebelum ino agak memilih makanan dan makan bila rasa perlu sahaja. Tapi dgn HURIX perubahan positif pada anak saya dn kami sangat gembira. Terima kasih HURIX dan HOMETESTER CLUB!!
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Membantu masalah selera makan
Hurix's My kids memang membantu sy mengatasi masalah selera makan anak sy. Sy boleh nampak anak sy mula makan apa saja makanan yg diberi kn. Sangat2 mengesorkn para ibu brapa yg anak mereka mengalami masalah selera makan.
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Supplement needed for any kids in world
Anak2 bertambah selera makan selepas amalkan .. Cuma hurix bleh consider add more flavour choice
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