Multi-Gyn FemiWash

4.5 5 0 158 158 Multi-Gyn FemiWash cleanses and refreshes the intimate area. It is gentle and non-irritating, even for the most sensitive, delicate skin. Multi-Gyn FemiWash is ideal for daily intimate care as it is soap-free and extremely mild that is safe to use to protect the natural flora in the intimate area. Note, only for external use.
Multi-Gyn FemiWash


The Best Feminine Wash on the Market
I have always been careful about my feminine hygiene. I know that the delicate balance of bacteria in the vagina is important to maintain, and I want to make sure that I am using products that will not disrupt that balance. I have been using Multi-Gyn FemiWash for a few years now, and I have been very happy with it. It is a gentle, soap-free wash that is pH-balanced to help maintain the natural balance of the vagina. It also contains lactic acid, which helps to keep the vagina healthy and free from infection. I have found that Multi-Gyn FemiWash leaves me feeling clean and fresh, without any irritation. I also like that it is fragrance-free, which is important to me because I have sensitive skin. My OB-GYN has also recommended Multi-Gyn FemiWash to me. She says that it is a safe and effective way to cleanse the vagina, and she does not recommend using any other feminine washes.
Produk bagus
Xde bau tp buih byk..sgt sesuai utk sy..selesa je lps guna..gatal2 ringan pun hilang..senang guna senang cuci..really recommend
Nyaman Lembut Bersih
Multi-Gyn Femiwash sangat bagus untuk bahagian intim wanita kerana tidak merengsakan walaupon pada kulit halus, tidak mempunyai pewangi dan sangat senang digunakan.
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Selamat untuk semua jenis kulit
Tiada bau, tiada bahan berbahaya, lembut dan selamat untuk digunakan. Sepanjang penggunaan saya berpuas hati. Memberi keselesaan dan kesegaran berpanjangan. Tiada bau yang boleh menyebabkan kerengsaan dan sesuai untuk semua jenis kulit
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Sangat lembut bila digunakan
Ianya sangat lembut dan best bila digunakan dapat membersihkan
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PH yang rendah Tidak mengeringkan.
PH yang rendah. Rasa bersih, selesa dan rasa ringan.
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Gentle smooth affected
Muti gyn femine wash ni sangat berkesan untuk bahagian intim selain lembut dan mudah untuk apply really recommended
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Multi-Gyn FemiWash sangat bagus
Multi-Gyn FemiWash sangat bagus Saya telah mencuba Multi-Gyn FemiWash selama 3 hari berturut-turut. Sangat selesa selepas menggunakannya. Tidak ada bau dan tidak merengsakan dan selamat dipakai.
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The foam is very light and non sticky
First time using this product, I was quite shocked that its come in foam not usual liquid form. Really easy to use, the pump 1 time and it already enough for 1 time application. The foam is really light and washable, not sticky. I enjoy this product as it cleanse well, easy to use. There also no unusual smell, so very great for me. thanks
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Best for your intimate area
Received Multi-Gyn FemiWash from for testing, and I have used this product for two weeks for a better experience. After using this product, I can said that I feel refreshing especially during period time, this feminine wash is very gentle and suitable for my sensitive skin, definitely will purchase it once this one finish using.
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Cleanses, refreshing and fresh
Very suitable for sensitive skin Its mild and non irritating mousse and its cleanses and very refreshing.
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Gentle to your ladyspot
It's unlike other feminine washed that I tried that irritates me. And Multi-Gyn FemiWash is very gentle! Which what every lady needs.
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It feels good to my skin
It soften my intimate skin, have no odor and make me feels fresh.
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refreshing, convenient
A good product to be recommended and its an alternative to other female hygiene product!
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