Innisfree Light Fit Cushion

4.4 5 0 15 15 Face it- this ultra-lightweight cover cushion is all you need for the perfect glowing skin. Innisfree Light Fit Cushion maintains a semi-matte look on your face while providing a cooling sensation after application.
Innisfree Light Fit Cushion


Berpuas hati
the best produk. Muka tidak bercapuk dan mudah untuk diratakan pada kulit muka. Boleh repeat lagi .
Innisfree Lit fix cushion
Best sangat apabila menggunakannya.. tidak bercapuk.. rata pada kulit.. anda patut membelinya
cepat berpeluh
tidak sesuai untuk saya ,bila muka berpeluh tidak serap minyak atau air di jadi bercapuk dan tidak sekata.
cry me a river
as i have reviewed the previous cushion foundation of Innisfree, this one also doesnt match me as in shades and the texture. it looks cakey on me even i’ve prep my face before applying this cushion foundation
Light weight powder
I like using lightweight foundation and powder as it makes me look more natural and youthful, it covers my pores and redness appearance with Photoshop complete that looks and feels like silk.
This is the only cushion you need for that flawless look
If you do not have much trouble woth your skin, this is the right one for you. A thin application does wonders in covering your problems. And even you are on those troubled days, you can make a second application. It does not go cakey on my face and it is my choice on days that I am busy or just plain late 🤣
Loose powder
Loose powder yang tidak terlalu berat. Rasa ringan je bila pakai. Tidak membuatkan kulit melekit. Mix well with other foundation.
sesuai dengan semua jenis kulit
lapisan pelindung amat ringan inilah yang membuatkan kulit berseri dan sempurna sesuai dengan semua jenis kulit
Bedak ringan
Loose powder yang tidak terlalu berat. Rasa ringan je. Tidak membuatkan kulit melekit. Mix well with other foundation.
Really good ,its really light when u put it on ur face,i just love it
review cushion
best sgt, muka rasa glowing, light. Recommended sangat. parut pun tak nampak sgt
Please beli
Bedak ringan senang pakai Sangat bagus menutupi pores i yang besar gedabak Sangat sesuai untuk oily skin After apply kulit rasa matte je
Best sangat pakai.. Tak melekit dan rasa ringan pada kulit.. Muka pun nampak berseri
Innisfree Light Fit Cushion
Mudah untuk digunakan & tahan lama.. saya menggunakan setiap hari & akan terus membeli produk ini
super duper HG ! its fit my pores so well ! suitable for my comb skin !

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