Chek Hup Bulletproof Coffee Original

4.4 5 0 314 314 Chek Hup Bulletproof Coffee Original is made of blending robust coffee with MCT (medium chain triglycerides) oil powder and Fibre. This new innovative product target to those who are on ketogenic diet or low in carbohydrates. Try this functional coffee that not only can satisfy your hunger and may aid digestion system with added fibre. Besides that, this coffee is enriched with Wellmune®, beta glucan from yeast that may help to support immune system associated with cold. Enjoy this cup of coffee with low Glycaemic Index value of 35, that won’t cause significant rise in your blood glucose level.
Chek Hup Bulletproof Coffee Original


Chek Hup Bulletproof Coffee Original
The coffee has a rich and indulgent taste. The MCT oil added a unique buttery texture, and the wellmune beta-glucan from yeast gave it an added health punch.
Tasty and giving health benefits
Chek Hup Bulletproof Coffee Original tastes delicious I don't think I can go back to regular coffee. Great for morning coffee for intermittent fasting to get you satisfied until noon when you can start eating. It helps me maintaining energy levels, preventing hunger and improving mental focus in work. Moderate in drinking coffee may reduce the risk of heart disease, several cancers and lower the likelihood of developing liver disease, Parkinson’s disease, and type 2 diabetes. Chek Hup Bulletproof Coffee Original uses a coconut-derived MCT oil, quickly the body can break them down and useful for weight loss. It works well with my ketogenic diet which is low in carbohydrates and high in fat. While Chek Hup Bulletproof Coffee fits into a ketogenic eating plan because it contains fat but no carbohydrates, and the body converts MCT oil into ketones. Thanks for this, Chek Hup! I am on my second box!
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strong coffee taste
selepas cuba, mmg first impression 'wow, strong betul rs coffee dia' . Mmg feel bila minum. Rs strong dia tu bkn mcm minum kopi o tau, tp mmg rs mcm tgh gigit2 biji coffee. Mmg expection xtinggi tp bila try, mmg rs mcm brand yg pnh try sbelum ni xdpt nk tanding rs dia. Good job Chek Hup Bulletproof Coffee Original.
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Chek Hup Bulletproof Coffee Original taste is really well-blended as a coffee because for me it have the enough amount of bitterness of a coffee and as a coffee lover I really like it. The aroma and smell of this coffee is also refreshing as well. And I can make this coffee as my morning kickstart regiment.
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Smooth taste
Taste smooth, good, less sweet. Not adding burden for this who would like to have a cup of coffee
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Light release relax
I use to 3 in 1 coffee takes check hup fell to light and no taste
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Nice to drink Taste good Special
Taste is nice ,n will buy this if price is acceptable
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Sedap, wangi, bertenaga
Sedap, wangi dan menambah tenaga dalam aktiviti harian.
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Taste abit bland but acceptable
Personally prefer normal 3 in 1 coffee..but this can be a replacement to have coffee that come with weight control function
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Tasty aroma
Good for snack time, feel full and good for snack replacement...
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No enough taste
No enough taste. No have the coffee taste. If coffee
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这个非常适合减肥门的人而且非常的滑顺非的的香 喝了非常耐饱 非常感恩公司给我机会试喝 我会买来喝 非常谢谢 感恩
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Aroma dan rasa kopi yang sangat sedap
Saya sangat menyukai rasa kopi dan akan membeli kopi ini
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Don't taste like coffee
Don't taste like coffee. It's so light. It's not recommended for coffee lovers.
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Wangikan coffee memikat selalu ingatlah
Wangikan coffee memikat buat Kita sentiasa teringat Masih ada stok dekat dapur perlu dinikmati, Saya sangat suka coffee tanpa gula lagilah bila bancuh dengan susu segar dan tambahkan air dalam hidangan memang Tak boleh berenti minum sebab suka sangatlah, dengan bau coffea
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