Treatonic Foot Peel Mask

4,3 5 0 6 6 En seulement 2 semaines, le masque de pied à la lavande de St Mege exfolie et élimine les pieds rugueux et callosités pour révéler la couche douce cachée de vos talons durcis. Vous ne pourrez pas parler à vos amis et votre famille de ce produit incroyable
Treatonic Foot Peel Mask


Je dois dire que j'étais septique mais les résultats sont très convainquant après deux semaines mes pieds était comme neuf! Ça aide vraiment a enlever la cornes des pieds. En plus j'aime bien la senteur de lavande..
You know you want to.
After seeing all the videos online of people and their peely feet, I had to try it too! These come in two sets (four booties) and in my option, would as good as Baby Feet but smell better, feel more gentle on the skin and provided a better result. It took a little longer than the competitor but again, I feel like I achieved a better result. It’s like it removed absolutely everything and left fresh, new underneath. Very happy, but don’t go over board with it. Once a month tops. Would recommend.
My feet feel great!
This product took a little over the anticipated two weeks for amazing results, but when they kicked in it was worth the wait! My feet which were once cracked, dry and very rough are feeling sooo much better, soft and it even feels nicer walking.
Treatonic Foot Peel Mask - Worked pretty good
Looking forward to spring / summer weather, decided to try Treatonic Foot Peel Mask. There are 4 in 1 box, so tried with my daughter. Followed instructions, easy to use, wore socks overtop until dissolved and working. Noticed dead skin coming off the next day and within 2-3 days feet were noticeably softer and better looking. as are only supposed to use once a month, will try again next month to get the best summer feet possible. Would buy again as is noticeable difference with a single use > waiting to see what the next useage in a month does for my feet.


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