Nettoyant Multi-usage Vim Crème

4,8 5 0 197 197 Avec Vim Crème, vous n’avez plus à vous inquiéter des tâches ménagères. Ce nettoyant multi-usage peut être utilisé dans la cuisine et la salle de bain. Il est dur sur la saleté, les résidus, les traces d’eau, la graisse tenace et les aliments collés, et peut redonner un aspect neuf à vos surfaces. Reconnue pour son efficacité, la crème nettoyante Vim prend soin de vos surfaces grâce à ses microparticules capables d’éliminer 100 % de la saleté que vous ne pensiez pas voir disparaître, pour un résultat étincelant et sans traces*. Formulé avec des agents nettoyants d’origine naturelle à 100 %, Vim Crème laisse toutes vos pièces parfaitement propres avec un parfum frais de citron. Pour l’utiliser, versez-le directement sur la surface ou sur une éponge humide et frottez doucement. Rincez bien, puis essuyez rapidement, en recommençant si nécessaire. Vim offre un résultat toujours impeccable. Ne pas utiliser sur le bois, l’aluminium, ou sur les surfaces usées ou rayées. Pour les surfaces chromées ou plaquées, rincer immédiatement après utilisation. Disponible dans une variété de parfums frais, la bouteille de ce nettoyant multi-surface est faite de plastique recyclé à 50 %, dans l’objectif éventuel d’utiliser 100 % de matériaux recyclés. Chez Vim, nous pensons qu’il fait bon vivre dans une maison étincelante de propreté. Tous nos produits d’entretien sont conçus dans cette optique. En choisissant Vim, vous avez l’assurance d’un résultat toujours impeccable, quelle que soit la surface ou la pièce, qu’il s’agisse d’un petit entretien ou d’un nettoyage complet. *Testé sur les taches tenaces dans la cuisine et la salle de bain jusqu’à l’élimination complète.
Nettoyant Multi-usage Vim Crème


Very versatile
I love using Vim on almost everything from the kitchen sink to my toilet. It gets the stains out of everything the first time especially stuck on messes. The scent is nice and not overpowering and I like that I can use one product on multiple surfaces.
Great scent
I have used this Vim cream in the bathrooms to clean the tubs and sinks. It is quite strong and does have a chemical scent to it. If you prefer more natural cleaning products this isn’t for you. It does a great job getting rid of soap scum and hard water marks. I don’t use this too often because I don’t want harsher cleaners around my kids but I use it for our bathroom when I need some extra strength power.
Vim Cream cleaner
Great product for cleaning kitchen and bathroom messes without damaging appliances or fixtures. Always my go to for Ceramic cooktop stains since it will not scratch the surface.
Best Kitchen Cleaner
Vim is a product being used in my home since I was little. My mom used it to clean, and I used it when I moved out, and now with my own family home. It is just a great product for cleaning grease, watermarks or burnt on food. The smell is nice, although a little strong, but makes the kitchen smell so clean afterwards!!!
Works amazing. :)
This product has been for sale for generations for a reason, It works well.
Homie for the home
This product do the job it is advertise for. Verry usefull!
Go to cleaning product
This is my go to cleaning product by far. The abrasives in the cleanser is mild but enough to clean the hard stains. I pick it up from the Dollar Store for a few bucks. A great deal.
Vim clean
I currently use this in my bathroom. I am extremely sensitive to smells and odours from products. I don’t seem to have any problems with this.
Amazing cleaner
This cleaner has been a staple in my household for years, it is very powerful and cuts through Grimes and stains easily. I specifically like to use this product to clean the toilet bowl and bathtub. It has a pleasant citrus scent which overpowers any stinky bathroom aromas.
Great Cleaning Product
Have used Vim products for some time. Works on stubborn stains and residue without harming glass or stainless steel. Best use has been the kitchen sinks as it cleans thoroughly and leaving sink shiny clean, the scent is nice but not overpowering.
Works great
Vim is my go to bathtub cleaner. Always gets the job done leaving a clean and shiny tub. This lemon scent however is very mild and not very noticeable. Other types within the Vim brand is my preferred scent.
Always have on hand
I always make sure I have Vim on hand In my house for those pesky cleaning tasks. It not only work on bathroom scum, but also works on hard to clean things in the kitchen. It also has a nice lemon fresh scent! Definitely recommend this as a go to cleaning product!
Works good, can always rely on it to work. Got the job done with no fuss.
Classic for a reason
The VIM cream is my go to for hard to clean spaces. It works wonders in my bathroom on soap scum and to clean my cooktop. The scent is nice, not overwhelming. I would recommend this to be a household cleaning staple.
Great value for a cleaner
This is a cleaner that I have in my house almost all the time. It is very affordable and can be used on a variety of surfaces. I use it in the bathroom and sometimes the sinks. It works well, doesn't scratch or scour the surface and leaves a nice smell. It is easy to dispense and works well for cleaning off scum in the bathtub but still requires elbow grease.

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