Say goodbye to invisible nasties! The Chux DishPro Non-Scratch Scrubbing Sponge is made with antibacterial silicone technology that stops food getting stuck to it and dries quickly to prevent odours*. Dishwasher safe, they resist the growth of bacteria and germs** for a more hygiene clean!
*preventing the growth of odour-causing bacteria.
**of Scrubbing Sponge. The Scrubbing Sponge contains an antimicrobial agent that prevents germs growth on Scrubbing Sponge.
Chelsey (Banya)
Chelsey (Banya)
Sophie (South Turramurra)
Sophie (South Turramurra)
Rowena (Newport)
Rowena (Newport)
Rebecca (Hallam)
Rebecca (Hallam)
Brendan ()
Rhianydd (Lawnton)
Rhianydd (Lawnton)
Joelle (Berwick)
Joelle (Berwick)
Lyn (Yarram)
Lyn (Yarram)
Naomi (Aberfoyle Park)
Naomi (Aberfoyle Park)
Collette (Chipping Norton)
Collette (Chipping Norton)
Natalie (Dondingalong)
Natalie (Dondingalong)
Hikmetcan (South Penrith)
Hikmetcan (South Penrith)
L (Bidwill)
L (Bidwill)