Arena para Gatos Arm & Hammer Hardball - 7 lb

4.1 5 0 44 44 Una arena para gatos liviana con grumos virtualmente indestructibles? Presentamos la Arena Aglutinante ARM & HAMMER™ HardBall™. La fórmula innovadora funciona para encoger rápidamente los desechos de gato y los olores en grumos ultracompactos para una recolección fácil y sin ensuciar. Nuestra Fórmula Ligera Perfeccionada es casi un 60% más liviana que nuestra arena de arcilla regular PERO es altamente absorbente.
Arena para Gatos Arm & Hammer Hardball - 7 lb


No better than "regular" clumping litter
I tried this when they were out of my normal litter. While it is nice and lightweight which is wonderful, it's no better at clumping than any other clay litter. With it being pricier than other litters I don't find it worth the price for not having to lug around heavier but better working litter. I also found it didn't hide the more unpleasant scents as my regular litter. I haven't purchased it since.
I didn’t have high hopes at first
but OMG i will never buy another litter again. we have 3 cats in our household but you’d never know it. no more tracked around clay beads, and the scent coverage is AMAZING. Hardball might be pricey, but it is SO worth it. it lasts forever, smells amazing, and clumps like a dream, i cannot say enough good things!
Great cat litter
This is one of the best cat litter I have used for my cat. The litter is small and makes very tight clumps. Which in turn, uses less litter. It comes in all weight because you use less litter. I was very impressed with how tight the clumps were and that they did not break apart like some litter does when it clumps. It is a little more on the pricey side, but it lasts longer than the other litter out there, so it does save you money in the long run.
Arm&hammer hardball litter
I like how it clumps really hides the odor plot better than the rest. I don't see any dust when I'm scooping out the clumps. My kitty loves this more than anything else I've used.
Really happy!
I really liked this litter. I liked how this clumps and how easy it is to scoop and get rid of. I've also noticed this doesn't have the dust the others I've tried have and my cat isn't letting this get all over the floor when he jumps out of the box. Great liter and works really well. Definitely recommend it.
just not a fan
I tried this litter because they were out of my normal pick, which is also a Arm & Hammer product. I thought, maybe... but I seriously am not a fan of clay litter. I use corn or nut shell product mostly and while this did clump, I feel the hard clump Is a bit of an exaggeration, I will stik with my normal next time, at all cost.
Arm & Hammer Hardball Litter
Good cat litter that clumps tight and strong. Good use for our multi-cat household. A recommended product.
Wonderful scent
It is not clumping like it says. But to be fair, I have it mixed with some of the old cat litter like they tell you to when you first start your car on it. So I will see how it does next week when I use it alone and them come back and update my review
Arm & Hammer Hardball Cat Litter
This littler is VERY dusty! It also tracks quite a bit. It does clump into a nice hard ball, but I am not sure that is worth the other downfalls of this litter. Not sure I would use it again because of the amount of dust it put off.
Not the best litter
This was not one of the best litters that I have tried. Yes, it does a good job lumping but it definitely doesn't flush down my toilet because the lumps were so hard and it did not do a good job covering the scent after my cat used the bathroom. I did have to make sure I scooped immediately after use. Don't think my cat enjoyed it much either, she was very hesitant everytime she had to use it.
Got The Job Done For Sure
I usually like kitty litters that not only make scooping the mess easier, but also don't give off a sickening odor when my cat has used it. This definitely made scooping easy, but the smell just got downright weird when my cat would use the bathroom and I ultimately had to get rid of it. It sometimes would clump too much together when my cat would urinate and I would have to throw a lot of litter.
Recently we got 2 new kittens. They were out 1st inside kittens so we were totally clueless when it came to litter. I tried like 5 different kinds and none of them worked very good. Finally I went and checks few reviews and went and got this litter. It works great! It doesn’t smell bad like other brands and it actually shrinks wastes in into small balls that are super easy to remove.
Not the best
I wanted to like this product but just didn’t. The liquids did not form a ball but did clump. The litter has a sandy look to it. It was so lightweight that my cats had a tendency to track it.
Great litter
My cats are picky on their litter but they did use this one. Like how the litter clumps and hides the odor.
Not really a ball has described
This is not one of their better products. I am not sure I would really call them hardballs. Urine does not really clump together like a ball, but it also does not clump together at the bottom of the litter box like a patty. The smell is not masked as well as the clump and seal is. If the clump and seal I normally bought was out of stock, I would probably buy this.

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