Visine Plus avec antihistaminique gouttes ophtalmiques pour les allergies

4,8 5 0 86 86 Les gouttes ophtalmiques pour les allergies VISINE® Plus avec un antihistaminique soulagent rapidement les symptômes d’allergies oculaires. Cette formule avancée associe un antihistaminique, le maléate de phéniramine, qui soulage les picotements oculaires et le larmoiement excessif, et un décongestionnant, le chlorhydrate de naphazoline, qui soulage la rougeur oculaire. Ces gouttes pour les yeux sont efficaces pour soulager les symptômes causés par les allergies au pollen, aux arbres, aux plantes herbacées, à l’herbe à poux, à la poussière, aux animaux et à la moisissure.
Visine Plus avec antihistaminique gouttes ophtalmiques pour les allergies


Ninja trick
Really hides the red in my eyes after my lunch breaks flying under the radar for the win
Decent product
I tried it and it’s just like other regular eye drops for allergies
Visine eye drops
I have tried this product for my allergies and they work great all around best eye drops
My allergies clear up and eyes not itchy
I suffer from pollen allergies and animal dander allergies. This product quickly clears up my red itchy eyes. This product is so good if you have allergies. I keep mine in my pocket ready come spring pollen.
Cleared up itchy eyes extremly quickly and even cleared up my runny nose
Great. Trust it
Only one I trust because it's just that great. Work every time
Perfect to help eyes
Sore eyes? Get relief from allergies. This worked fantastic as I am allergic to cats. Highly recommended!
Sore eyes? Get relief from allergies. This worked fantastic as I am allergic to cats. Highly recommended!
It helps who ever has allergies
This product works well soothes the eyes and helps with seasonal allergies
Good Eye drops
Especially good for people who suffer with allergy and watery eyes Help relief symptoms
I have used this product for years. Specially in this time of year. Great product to combine with allergy meds. Gets that itchyness out of the way real fast!!! Recommend to anyone!
Itchy watery eye relief
I have suffered from allergies all my life and have always used this product. Always makes me feel better almost instantly…….highly recommend :)
Works for me!
These work great during the summer time. I would definitely recommend these to anyone suffering from the dreaded summer allergies. I always keep them near me and in my car for emergencies!
Works great
I had a problem with my eye being blurry and very uncomfortable. I got drops from the doc and they didn't work so I tried these and after one application I noticed it was better. I used the drops for a couple of days and my problem disappeared
Works Great
Works great very soothing for my eyes, would recommed to others suffering from allergy eyes


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