Dispensador de filtración de agua de lectura lista Zerowater 32c

4.7 5 0 129 129 El dispensador de filtración de agua de 5 etapas Ready-Read de 32 tazas es perfecto para uso en el hogar o en una oficina pequeña y contiene agua más que suficiente para su familia y amigos. Tenga la tranquilidad de saber que siempre obtendrá el agua con el sabor más puro con el nuevo medidor TDS integrado.
Dispensador de filtración de agua de lectura lista Zerowater 32c


Very pure, large capacity at great price
One of my friend has this product and my family was suprised with the purity and taste of the water. I immediately felt the difference between my filter and quality of the water from this filter. I did a bit of research and bought the product the next day. The large capacity is just fantastic and quite sufficient for my fammily. The product also shows the TDS rating to show the amount of impure dissolved solids removed. The meter also accurately shows the time to replace the filter. Overall I am very happy to switch to this brand and will happily recommend it to my friends.
No more buying plastic bottles!
This is an absolute must have especially in a large city. Most of the processed water has a horrible taste. All you need to do is take a picture of water and put it inside And you will have the cleanest and freshest tasting water you have ever had with no plastic waste For the landfills. It comes with a wand to test the TDS levels.(Total dissolved solids) You will be amazed at the difference when you use a zero water product
Great Buy
I love this product. I drink a lot of water and do not want to always buy individual bottles of water. So I can fill this up from the tap and always have refreshing water right out of the refrigerator.
Clean & refreshing water!
The Zerowater 32-cup Ready-Pour water filtration dispenser offers a convenient and effective way to enjoy clean, great-tasting water. Its five-stage filtration system removes virtually all dissolved solids, ensuring a refreshing and pure drinking experience. The large capacity is perfect for households or offices, and the easy-to-read TDS meter lets you monitor water quality with confidence. With its sleek design and efficient performance, the Zerowater dispenser is a reliable choice for anyone seeking high-quality filtered water.
Perfect size for your fridge
Overall a really good water filter option to keep in the fridge. Loved the TDS tester as well!
To be honest, there's nothing bad about this product. If you wanna save money on water and like filtered water this is for you. I saved so much money, not having to buy bottled water. You can pour in your own sink water. It will be filtered and cleaned. I feel that it's better than bottled water.
Hate it
This is the worst counter top filter ever. It takes forever to fill up, the tester never reads the same number twice, and the water smells like fish. The filters are too expensive and do not last long enough. I do not use it anymore it was a huge waste of money.
Great for camping!
Love having this in our trailer for when campgrounds have drinking water taps. Brings more peace of mind and makes the water taste much better plus it's narrow enough to fit on the small countertops as well.
Best water filter for work!
This is a perfect water filter for work! It doesn’t take too much space, easy to refill and it makes the water taste pretty good. I absolutely love it and will continue to use it!
Clean tasting water
This filtration system works well to ensure your water is safe and tastes clean. It is great for our family due to the size which is larger than most types of filtration systems like this.
Great tasting
I love the versatility and stability of this brand! They never have a rust taste, stand of to my kitchen’s every day’s battles, and last forever. I have almost every version with them!
Use this daily’
I use this for my 1 month olds water for formula and for myself as well! The water tastes so “clean” and fresh!
Love this water filter
I decided to use one of these instead of trying to find the filters for my fridge water dispenser after having a hard time finding one. I noticed right away the difference in taste and when I did I couldn't believe I didn't notice the metallic taste from what we had been drinking. The water from this is literally tasteless. Absolutely perfect.. I love it.
Nice water filter
Water taste great. Detector pen batteries came dead. When filter gets old, water starts to taste weird. Bought on clearance at Walmart.
Couldn't Live Without It
I always had a Pur on my faucet, but a friend had told me that Zero best Pur by filtering out the chlorine and other things Pur filters miss. I bought him one before moving in with with him when I moved to NYC. I noticed the difference in taste immediately and have sworn by Zero ever since. I got the larger size because everything from ice cubes to cooking water goes through my Zero. The difference between tsp and zero is very noticeable when used for Jell-O and drink mixes, even juice from concentrate taste world's apart from tap or Zero.

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