ZitSticka S.O.S Zit Hydrocolloid Pimple Patch Kit - 20ct

4.3 5 0 108 108 "SOS Zit Kit. Emergency Patches because zit happens. Flatten and clear unwanted pimples overnight. GOO GETTER™ a moisture-drawing patch made from hydrocolloid to absorb fluid and impurities from your superficial, surface pimple, visibly flattening its appearance overnight- no popping necessary. Infused with exfoliating ingredients such as Salicylic acid (BHA), Vitamin C, Niacinamide, and Tea Tree for an added superboost to treat those unwanted whiteheads. Also: Each hydrocolloid patch acts as an artificial scab, helping to rescue the affected area, ASAP"
ZitSticka S.O.S Zit Hydrocolloid Pimple Patch Kit - 20ct


Instant Rescue
Opening this kit is like unleashing the pimple fighting warriors. Applying these hydrocolloid wonders is like giving your zit a cozy bedtime story. Watching the patch work its magic is like a skincare victory dance.
Pop those Zits
I’m a huge fan of these zit patches. I really appreciate that. You had two different sizes in the set and that you get your traditional circular, zit patches along with some longer/bigger zit patches.
Best zit patches out there!
I have tried all the big acne patch brands and I always come back to ZitSticka. For me this is the product that works the best for my skin and I see the quickest improvement with these. I like the S.O.S kit in particular because you get both types of patches.
I bought this for my daughter, she used it and thought that it went well, but after having in on for an hour or two she was itching, never got red or made a place just more of an uncomfortable situation.
Does the job, but it dries skin out
These zit stickers work but beware if you have sensitive skin or rosacea! These dried me out in the spots where I had the stickers. Would recommend for those who don’t have sensitive skin though.
These work but cheaper brands work too
I purchased these patches from Sephora with high hopes that my hard pimple bumps will diminish after use... The directions say to wear a patch for 6 to 8 hours. I apply the patches before bed and remove in the morning. These adhere well and are not difficult to remove leavng zero residue. Upon removal I noticed my pimple(s) did not completely disappear however, it was no longer hard and painful. I've only used this product but I would be curious to see if this treats backne.
Amazing product!
Amazing product! wonderful if u have a upcoming pimple\zit
This is a great product really recommend and this is the best thing to use when u have a zit/pimple
Works great
I love an acne patch to put on right when I start feeling a pimple coming up, and these work really well! Fast acting and you'll hardly notice they're there. You can put makeup over them. I would recommend.
Skin saver
Help to shrink and dry up my acne fast. It's barely noticeable on the skin unless you look very closing so I wear these all day even under makeup.
Makes your pimples disappear overnight!
I love the ZitSticka S.O.S Zit Hydrocolloid Pimple Patch Kit! I was skeptical at first, I did not know what to expect. I had a sporadic breakout and I had photos the next day. I put a couple of these pimple patches on before I went to bed, not expecting anything to change, but the next morning when I awoke, I saw a huge difference in the size of my pimples! They were virtually gone! All the gunk that inflames a pimple had been sucked out into the patch. You can actually see what it pulls from a pimple after removing it. It stayed on all night and healed my bumps perfectly, literally overnight. I will definitely buy this kit again. It is a great value for the money and you see real results! They are non-irritating and has great Adhesive power to stay stuck on your pimple all night. I love these and recommend them to all my friends and family! They are worth the money! I call them my "tiny miracle workers"!
More cost effective treatments out ther
For those of you who like your hydrocolloid bandages infused with BHA & Tea Tree oil, Alba Botanica (available at Target) is much more cost effective and they will remain of your skin for days, shower after shower. No matter which bandages you go with, if you purchase infused ones, NEVER use any type of topical treatment underneath, or you'll be left with PIH!
Effective - Wish it were more affordable
I’ve used these for deep painful acne and smaller acne flares as well. It does a great job at drawing out the inflammation and keeps me from picking for a while. They’re great for overnight wear - too visible for me to wear during the day. They are a bit over budget for me so I have also tried some knock offs with similar but not quite equal success. These are a safe buy.
The ZitSticka S.O.S Zit Hydrocolloid Pimple Patch Kit - 20ct, is perfect, when I tried it I was very impressed! These patches are a game-changer when it comes to treating pesky pimples. They are easy to apply, and they stay in place surprisingly well. I appreciate that they are made with hydrocolloid, which is a more natural and gentle approach to treating acne. I noticed a significant improvement in the appearance of my pimples after just one use. The kit comes with 20 patches, so there are plenty to last for a while. Overall, I highly recommend the ZitSticka S.O.S Zit Hydrocolloid Pimple Patch Kit for anyone looking for an effective and convenient way to treat acne.
My magic eraser
I love this product. There is nothing worse than waking up to a blemish! I’ve tried so many products claiming to clear them up faster than anything else and they all fail. These are amazing! I put one on and either a few hours later or overnight the blemish is nearly if not completely gone! Like I said my magic erasers.

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