DECORTÉ Liposome Advanced Repair Serum

4.5 5 0 47 47 Melalui Teknologi Source Targeting<sup>TM</sup>, DECORTÉ memperbaiki kerosakan kulit dan melindunginya daripada kesan penuaan dengan merangsang pembinaan semula sel-sel baharu. Serum yang sangat tipis ini juga memberikan kelembapan yang berpanjangan, ia menyerap dengan pantas agar kulit anda terhidrat dan segar sepanjang hari. <br><br> DECORTÉ Liposome Advanced Repair Serum membantu mengurangkan penampilan kedutan dan liang-liang pori untuk memberikan kulit yang licin dan muda remaja. <br><br> Sesuai untuk semua jenis kulit. <br><br> Cara penggunaan: Gunakan pada waktu pagi dan malam pada kulit yang telah dibersihkan, sebagai langkah pertama untuk merangsang kesan sebelum penggunaan mana-mana toner atau losyen.
DECORTÉ Liposome Advanced Repair Serum


skin look more youthful
DECORTÉ Liposome Advanced Repair Serum helps to keep my skin healthy and look more youthful, i have less fine wrinkles and feels the pores become smaller. I like the serum because it is gentle to my skin
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Amazing result!
Obvious result after use for 2 weeks. My nose pores apparently got smaller, smoother. Most importantly, the wrinkle problem that I started to have got improved! Highly recommended for people who are looking for anti aging product. Add this to your routine!
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Best serum for my skin
My skin is hydrate and soft to touch , i really like the soft and fine texture of the serum.
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Instant moisture
My skin feels hydrated and soft after using Decorte Liposome Advanced Repair Serum
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It's like a magic wand to skin
What I honestly LOVE: 1) Smoothen fine lines 2) Less visible pores 3) Skin is hydrated and plumped 4) Instant smooth & brighter after application 5) Very mild and comfortable scent 6) A small amount is sufficient for the whole face What I also realized: 1) Few unusual pimples / blemishes pop out after using However, this condition reduced after I switch to only using once per day instead of twice per day. Overall, I love this product. It's a good product and most importantly is paraben free too.
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smooth, light and soft.
After using DECORTÉ Liposome Advanced Repair Serum for few weeks., my skin become soft and smooth.
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Moisturize Skin Products
Moisture skin product that works, makes face skin less oily after usages for few weeks, more brighten skin and importantly it make face skin feel fresh.
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soft, premium & worthy.
DECORTÉ Liposome Advanced Repair Serum delivers a soft and silky texture, it makes my skin looks radiant and soft.
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Hydrating Serum
At the time I started trying the serum, my face was textured and was going through breakouts. After using the serum with my other skincare, my textured skin improved. The serum was very hydrating and it did not worsen my breakout. It did not cause any irritation to my sensitive skin. The serum is non-sticky and gets absorbed easily. Only need a minimal amount.
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DECORTÉ Liposome Serum
This DECORTÉ Liposome Advanced Repair Serum contains an essential ingredients to plump up and hydrate the skin with benefits on skin renewal. The price is acceptable and worthy.
Lightweight Luxury, Lasting Hydration
This luxurious serum absorbs quickly, leaving skin plump and hydrated with a hint of radiance. The price tag might sting, but for a splurge, it delivers.
Premium & luxury serum
I love using this premium and luxury serum, It helps to strengthen my skin barrier and my skin texture seems more refined, radiant and less fatigued. The price is reasonable and worty.
DECORTÉ Liposome Advanced Repair Serum
DECORTÉ Liposome Advanced Repair Serum is good to use, My skin's youthfulness has been restored since using the serum. The skin's texture feels smoother, my skin looks brighter and radiant.
Decorte Serum
Serum ini dapat mengecilkan pori-pori pada wajah. Garis-garis halus juga pudar. Serum ini ekslusif dan berbaloi memilikinya. Mesti tak menyesal. Recommended.
Premium serum
This serum brightens and evens skin tone without irritating the skin barrier. which helps fill in deep wrinkles and it is proven effectiveness on reduction of length and depth of wrinkles

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