NIVEA Lip Cherry Shine Caring Lip Balm

4.6 5 0 28 28
NIVEA Lip Cherry Shine Caring Lip Balm


good lip balm product
the nivea lip balm is quite good for my lips, keeps my lips moist along the day. if im going out & want to wear lip matte, i always put the nivea lip balm first as a base before the lip matte & the result makes my lips not capped & drying. but the colour for the cherry is a bit bright for my skin tone as its a bit too red for me? i personally like the colour for the sebamed cherry compared to nivea cheery, but for the quality i choose the nivea.
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Sangat melembabkan bibir
Saya belikan untuk Anak remaja yang berumur 12 tahun. Produk ni sangat membantu melembab Kan bibir Anak Saya. Dah tak Ada masalah bibir Kering terkopek kopek di bibir
i like it so much . it moisture my lips better than any lipbalm ive every use . it also smells and looks good . but its kinda watery so i hope u can improve this but overall its soooooooo good
Natural lip tint
Good choice of lip balm/lip tint as it’s moisturising and has a bit of colour if you have a darker or more pigmented lips. Downside could be because it is a little tinted so you’d need to be careful when applying so it does not get all over the outer part of your lips
Great brand of lip balm
I like the colour of the lip balm and it is convenient to use by bring it out in my bag when my lip is dry.
my lip okay using it
hydrated the lips. easy to apply not too red when applied it. my crack lips turn smooth lip
Favorite lip balm
As the title says, this is my all time favorite lip balm. I’ve been using this for years! It’s moisturizing, preventing dryness and cracking. It also gives this wonderful tint to the lips, making me look so much healthier and glowing. The cherry fragrance is also very pleasant.
Smooth lips, hydrating, last long
Use Nivea products for years. Always a have item in pocket / bag. It smooth my lips, hydrates and usually protects from chapped dry lips. and also its not easy to melt down even with high temperature
NIVEA Lip Balm
Nivea lip balm melembabkan bibir dan bibir lebih pinkish. Senang nak apply dan size yang comel senang untuk travel dan letak didalam beg. Harga mampu milik dan kualiti yang bagus. Recommended.
Perfect for dry lips
I had super dry lips, and then my friend suggested this product. I already knew that Nivea was a good brand, but I never knew that this was so good, especially for my super dry lips. Thank you, Nivea, for creating this gem.
Not bad
Texture dia melekit sikit , but just nice Need to wear the lip balm including minum mineral water banyak2 kalau tak ,tak berkesan hilangkan crack / bibir kering. So please stay hydrated!
Best ever
Lips become moist and look naturals.the colour also nice.really recomend for dry lips
Soft on my lips
Kita ada beli ni sekali sebab cuaca panas dan buat bibir kita kering semacam. Bila pakai benda ni, sekali calit jer boleh buat bibir lembut dan tak rasa kering lagi. Bau cherry dia pun boleh tahan. Tentang warnanya, ia cuma buat bibir kita merah-merah sikit dan tak nampak pucat. Tak payah pakai lipstick pun takpe.

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