Collistar RIGENERA Smoothing Anti-Wrinkle Concentrate

4.5 5 0 175 175 A high-impact, targeted treatment to correct and combat signs of aging. With active ingredients inspired by the science of bioregeneration: Super low molecular weight Hyaluronic Acid and two Biomimetic Peptides, to stimulate cell regeneration deep-down and fill out wrinkles from the inside.
Collistar RIGENERA Smoothing Anti-Wrinkle Concentrate


令人惊艳的一款抗皱精华 保湿抗皱效果非常显著
这款精华真的用了立马会爱上 质地很轻薄 吸收快 完全不会感觉黏糊糊的 重点是用了隔天醒来发现皮肤真的光滑许多 原本摸起来粗糙的皮肤都光滑了 效果令人惊艳 法令纹淡化了 皮肤紧致了很多 绝对会一直继续用下去 因为上脸感觉舒服 清爽 又有那么明显的效果
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Highly recommended ! Senang roll.
Highly recommended ! Senang roll, tak melekit dan stay hydrate.. Membuatkan kulit dibawah mata rasa selesa dan tak kering..Membuat kulit smooth..
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Muda kembali dengan collistar Rigenera
Tekstur produk yg lembut cepat meresap ke dalam kulit, garis halus mula menghilang
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Produk yang terbukti mencegah kedutan
Collistar RIGENERA Smoothing Anti-Wrinkle Concentrate. Setelah menggunakan produk ini garis-garis halus telah berkurangan.Produk ini juga menjadikan kulit saya kelihatan lebih licin dan keanjalan kulit saya dikembalikan. Collistar RIGENERA Smoothing Anti-Wrinkle Concentrate ini sangat berkesan kerana saya telah mencuba selama 2 minggu dan terbukti ia berkesan. Anda semua patut mencubanya. #htcmyxCollistar #hometesterclubmy
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Semua perlu cuba sesuatu produk yg baru
Tidak berkesan untuk saya tidak semestinya ridak berkesan untuk orang lain. Patut beri peluang cuba sesuatu produk yang baru
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Rigenera Anti-Wrinkle
Hello everyone! I got an amazing product from Collistar Milano which is Rigenera Smoothing Anti-Wrinkle Concentrate. I've tried for 20 days and the testimonial photo before and after is above 👆🏻 My first impression to this product is it comes with a resealable vial for a precise yet practical application up to 20 days usage. So how to use this product? 1. Break the vial and press the base to release around 5/6 drops of the product. 2. Apply twice a day before using moisturiser, concentrating on wrinkles and moving on to the entire face and neck. 3. Replace the lid. I am 27 years old, housewife and a mother. My problem is having some wrinkles under my eyes and I want to combat signs of aging. Suprisingly, my wrinkles reduce and disappear in only 20 days. My face also glowing, elastic and fluffy. I am so impress! I will continue to using this product and yes wrinkles gone!
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Magical Rejuvenated Youthful
Magical Rejuvenated Youthful , using this Collistar RIGENERA Smoothing Anti-Wrinkle Concentrate specifically I can fell my skin complexion becomes visibly smoother day by day. My skin looks youthful plus my fine wrinkles some of them is fading away.
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Halus,lembut dan lembab
Kulit saya sebelum menggunakan RIGENERA Smoothing Anti-Wrinkle concentrate sangat kering sekarang setelah menggunakannya kulit makin lembab dan halus.saya sangat berpuas hati
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Collistar like a star
Snggt bagus digunakn kerana tekstur yg nipis mudah meresap je kulit serta mudh dibawa kemna2 dgn pack yg comel ...
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Berbaloi untuk di cuba.
Setelah hampir 1 bulan mencuba, kuliy muka saya licin, susah naik jerawat. Glowing. Dengan sedikit penggunaan memberi hasil yg baik. Garis di muka semakin pudar.
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Effective, smoothes wrinkles
I was pleasantly surprised by how well Collistar RIGENERA Smoothing Anti-Wrinkle Concentrate suited my sensitive skin. Trying a new anti-wrinkle product is always a bit nerve-wracking, but this one has been a great discovery. While the scent could be more appealing, it absorbs quickly, and I've noticed a slight improvement in my fine lines in just 20 days. It's reassuring to have another effective option for my skincare routine.
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Rigenera memang produk yang sangat best
Selepas menggunakan Collistar RIGENERA smoothing anti wrinkle concentrate Saya merasakan yang kulit saya berasa licin dan halus.garisan halus juga telah berkurangan dan kulit kelihatan anjal.saya berasa sangat puas hati
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Hilang kedutan dan menegangkan kulit.
Selepas saya memakai selama 20 hari secara berterusan memang akan nampak kesannya. Membuatkan kulit wajah saya kembali tegang dan menghilang baris kedutan di wajah saya.
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Improved the wrinkles, absorb easily.
Would consider to purchase it if the price is reasonable. Quality is good, it really serves its purpose.
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随着年龄的增长,脸色会逐渐变得暗淡无光,皮肤也越来越粗糙。这正是衰老的初期表现,如果不注意保养,小细纹、暗斑将随之而来,皮肤状态会越来越差。还好,我发现了Collistar RIGENERA Smoothing Anti-Wrinkle Concentrate,它帮助淡化了我的细纹,脸部肌肉也紧实了。有了它,年龄不是问题。我非常推荐这产品给我的亲朋好友们。
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