Miss Vickie's Saveur Cornichons à l'aneth épicés Croustilles cuites à la marmite

4,6 5 0 579 579 Les croustilles cuites à la marmite Miss Vickie's® à saveur de cornichons à l’aneth épicés sont concoctées à partir d’un mélange unique d’ingrédients pour vous offrir des arômes d’aneth, de persil, d’ail, de poivron vert et de poivre de Cayenne qui créent ce goût surprenant.
Miss Vickie's Saveur Cornichons à l'aneth épicés Croustilles cuites à la marmite


Not too spicky
These chips are to die for they are one of my favorites now I thought they would be very spicy, but they are not. Love dill pickles so these are awesome and so crunchie would recommend to people to try them.
So amazing
I love spicy food, and love dill pickle chips. The flavour of these was far too addictive. Also I go through phases of regular and then kettle chips. No one quite does it like Mrs Vickies. These are probably my favorite flavour right now
Dill pickle delight
If you're a fan of dill pickles and a fan of delicious kettle type potato chips this combination is a keeper. Satisfying and keeps you reaching for more. I
Brulement d'estomac
Vraiment bonne au gout mais me donne brulement d'estomac
Definitely a new favourite, I bought them recently and couldn’t get enough of them. It’s the perfect mixture of two of my favourite flavours. Will be buying more asap! Have to try them!!!
New favourite
Just the right combo of spices to tantalize your taste buds and keeps you reaching for more .
A little spice in each bite
Love Chips: check Love Dill pickle: check Love spice: check If all 3 on your list, this is the chip for you
Love pop corn
I love potato chips and I’m addicted to dill pickles. When they brought out a dill pickle flavour I had to try it and now I buy it a couple of times a month
I love Miss Vickies, & I love dill pickle, but I cannot handle the amount of spiciness that is on each of these chips. Don't get me wrong, the flavour is fantastic, but I cannot each a lot of these chips. For others who like spiciness, these are for you!
Ms Vickie’s you’re awesome! Perfect combination of dill and heat!
It was delicious ,I’ve never tried it before and it was very good.
This product is perfect and taste delicious. I highly recommend to everyone. I prefer this taste over other brands.
So good!
I love the crunch and flavour of these. I will continue to buy them for sure!
favorite chips
These are my most favourite chips. They have a lot of crunch and are so full of flavour
Big fan of these chips
I like everything that taste like dill pickle but Miss Vickie's really takes it up to another level with its Spicy Dill Pickle chips. Oh so addictive and wonderful. Have to stop myself from eating the entire bag. I recommend it to anyone who loves dill pickle chips with a bit of a tang to it.

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