Crest PH Bacteria Shield & Gum

4,7 5 0 97 97 Voici le dentifrice Crest Bacteria Shield & Gum. Résultat de plusieurs années de travail par l’équipe de scientifiques de Crest, il est spécialement formulé pour s’attaquer aux millions de bactéries responsables de la plaque qui se trouvent autour des gencives. Le dentifrice Crest Bacteria Shield & Gum utilise une mousse activée qui aide à pénétrer les endroits difficiles à atteindre en trouvant et en neutralisant les bactéries nocives responsables de la plaque autour de la gencive.
Crest PH Bacteria Shield & Gum


J'aime ce dentifrice, l'essayer c'est l'adopter. Il mousse vraiment bien. Il laisse un goût frais dans la bouche. Une bonne sensation de propreté.qualité/prix parfait. On achète cette sorte pour la famille.
Didn't notice Any Change
I found this stuff to be okay but it didn't really have anything about it all that great and the taste was not very enjoyable which is annoying because i love crest toothpastes normally but i think ill stick to the 3D WHITE CREST for now
just the right size
Have you ever suffered by looking at the airport officer throwing your toothpaste out in a trash can right in front of your eyes? well, here is the solution: this toothpaste has just the right size for you to bring to the cabin without being worried of the size.
Leaves your mouth so fresh
I have been using this toothpaste for years. It is excellent and leaves my mouth feeling clean and fresh. I like that it has a bacterial shield as well. Excellent product.
Best toothpaste
I love crest toothpaste! I've been using it for years.
Crest tooth paste
Hi great thooth paste it leave your teeth clean white
CLEAN teeth.
I have never used a toothpaste that made my mouth feel so clean, fresh and healthy all at once. I noticed a huge difference in my teeth within a week or so, even my dentist noticed a difference. I will continue to use this toothpaste as well as the other lines from this product!
ADORE le produit
Excellente pâte à dent de qualité. On sens la fraîcheur et la propreté après l'usage. Le prix est plus élevé mais justifié
I really like that tooth paste help with gum and cavity . It’s good quality and it’s very affordable price to buy too. I love that brand makes my teeth clean and breath fresh after using tooth paste. I would really others.
Bacteria fighter
Felt like I had fresh breath afterwards and having gingivitis noticed my gums looking better within a week of using
Good product
I use this brand all the time I feel like it doesn't matter witch one you buy the ingredients are the same and does the same thing it taste great not overpowering would recommend
Clean and fresh
This has made a big difference in my gums, they are no longer inflamed or bleeding every time l brush. My breath is fresher gums have really improved my teeth feel cleaner.
Amazing product. Love it. Helped my gums majorly I’ve seen improvement. The taste the way it felt love it Not so thick. But other than that it’s perfect. Yes I would. To everyone
Bye Bye Plaque
I really liked the way my mouth felt after using this toothpaste, clean and fresh! I generate a lot of plaque so the real test will be at my next dental cleaning, but it seems to do the trick. The only draw back was that I wasn't crazy about the taste, but as long as it works, I'll keep using it.
Drying to my mouth
This product was drying to my mouth which was rather disappointing. I just haven't had a good experience with this toothpaste. Maybe change some of the ingredients. I would not recommend this product.


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