Clear Eyes Soulagement Triple-Action

4,7 5 0 47 47 Les gouttes ophtalmiques lubrifiantes/anti-rougeurs à action triple Clear Eyes® aident à réduire les rougeurs, hydratent avec deux types de lubrifiants et soulagent les irritations pour un confort apaisant durable. Clear Eyes (R) propose une gamme complète de gouttes ophtalmiques de spécialité en vente libre formulées pour apaiser un éventail de conditions, y compris les yeux rouges, les démangeaisons, ainsi que les yeux brûlants, granuleux, irrités et secs. 15 ml.
Clear Eyes Soulagement Triple-Action


No more red eye
This is my go to for eye drops. Takes the red away almost instantly, and it does not burn your eyes when you put it in
A relief to dry eyes
My eyes tend to get dry from time to time especially when I am stressed. These eye drops help to hydrate my eyes and make them look and feel less tired and strained.
Removed my red eyes with triple action. Not all work, this one didn't fail nor feels like gel
Tres bon lubrifiant
Très bon lubrifiant produit suivant opérations des 2 yeux pour cataractes
Works great on sore eyes
I keep a bottle of this product at home because we all get sore eyes and it is annoying. This product helps so much as dry and sore eyes are so annoying. It takes away the irritation in my eyes very quickly and provides relief.
Fast relief!
Quick and fast relief! My eyes were irritated and this did the trick. Just a few drops and it completely cleared up. Feels nice and lubricated. Would highly recommend.
Best for dry eyes
I get redness and dryness because of working on laptop for long hours. These drops give instant relief from dryness.
Best drops ever !
Honestly does it’s magic each and every single time that I need and use this product specifically from Visene. It quickly lubricates my dry/irritated eyes, helping to get the red out fast, has long-lasting effects, and feels great almost instantly!
Super dry eye
I have super dry eyes and use this product daily and works very well to keep them moist compared to most products that claim to moisten the eyes
Soulage l’irritation
Bon produit. Hydrate comme il faut les yeux irrités, ou asséchés. Très bonne sensation de soulagement après 3 gouttes. Ce que j’ai apprécié c’est le temps que ça dure. Un bon 5-6h. Très agréable.
Contact lens saver
I keep these drops on hand all the time even in my purse. As a contact lens wearer when my eyes get dry it’s super convenient to have a little drop to put in each to wetten things up.
Dry eyes no more
This is a great product when you wake up in a dry environment and your eyes are scratchy like dirt in them and itchy, this helps instantly .
Your eyes will thank you
My husband and I fight over this! He works where there is dust and he comes home with irritated eyes. He ushers this product almost every day. When I remove my makeup at night my eyes feel itchy so I put a drop in each eye and they feel so much better.
It helps my itchy eyes
I feel the relief after 1 application. My eyes feel much better and the itchy feeling no longer there. Will continue to use this product.
Clear eyes triple action relief
These eye drops really do the trick. I've purchased many other brands of eye drops in the past and none compare to these. These eye drops really work lubricate your eyes relieving irritation quickly.


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